Frequently Asked Questions
What is Energia Rewards?
Energia Rewards is an exclusive customer rewards program with great discounts and special offers from leading Irish Brands. The program also provides Energia customers with the opportunity to enter into monthly competitions to win holidays, weekend giveaway, retail vouchers and tickets to rugby matches. From time to time, Energia Rewards will surprise customers with free rewards called Mega Moments
Who is eligible to access this program?
The Energia Rewards program can be used by any Energia current commercial or home energy customer including Energia employees.
How do I register for Energia Rewards?
To access Energia Rewards, simply register at or
login using your email address and password.
To register, you will need your Energia account
number, an email address and password.
When setting a password, please use the following format:
· A
minimum of 8 characters
· At
least 1 lowercase letter
· At
least 1 uppercase letter
· At
least 1 number
· At
least 1 special character (eg. ! ” £ $ % & *)
You will find your account number on your Energia
Bill or contact
to confirm your account number.
Once you register, you will receive a verification
Please check your spam folder.
Once you are verified, you can access all rewards
and enter competitions.
I cannot register for Energia Rewards
To register for Energia Rewards, you will need your account number. You can find your account number on any Energia monthly bill.
Alternatively you can contact to confirm your account number.
I have forgotten my password
Click “ Sign in “ button
Below the login box, there is a link “Lost your Password?”
Click this link and you will be asked to input the email address that you used when registering for Energia Rewards
You will receive an email. Please check your spam folder.
Click on the link in the email.
You will now be invited to change your password.
The password format is:
· A minimum of 8 characters
· At least 1 lowercase letter
· At least 1 uppercase letter
· At least 1 number
· At least 1 special character (eg. ! ” £ $ % & *)
I cannot enter this competition
To enter a competition, you must register for Energia Rewards.
Once you have registered, visit competitions by clicking the competitions tabs at the top of the page.
You can enter any competition by clicking “enter”.
Once you have entered a competition, a note will appear to confirm your entry.
How do I redeem a reward?
· Choose your preferred reward
· Click on Read More
· A page will open with details of that specific reward
· Click Redeem
· Additional details will be displayed including information on how to redeem that specific reward
· Please note that each reward has different terms and condition
· To view your redeemed rewards, go to “my vouchers” on the top tab
How do I redeem a Mega Moments Reward?
· Click on the Mega Moments tab at the top
· Click “ Details”
· A page will open with details of the specific Mega Moment reward
· Click Redeem
· Additional details will be displayed including information on how to redeem that specific reward
· Please note that each reward has different terms and condition
· To view your redeemed reward, go to “MY VOUCHERS” on the top tab
I cannot redeem a Mega Moments Reward
· There are a limited number of Mega Moments Rewards
· If all these rewards have been redeemed, a note will appear to say that all rewards have been redeemed.
· Please continue to log in to Energia Rewards as more Mega Moment rewards will be available again.
How do I unsubscribe from Energia Rewards?
Login into Energia Rewards
To unsubscribe from Energia Rewards use the Contact Us form with your account number, your email address you used to register for Energia Rewards and the word unsubscribe